Archive for the 'Heypenny' Category


El El’s 40 Watt (Draft Resurrection)

A draft started in 2015 after Heypenny incarnated into ELEL and debuted their initial single, “40 Watt”. When the former frontman of chaotic, more fun than your go-to pop band initiates a new band, you listen.

Heypenny, out of pop breeding ground Nashville, had all the essential ingredients I crave in a pop/rock outfit; unpredictability, boundless energy, a passion for carefree tomfoolery, mathematical lyrical randomness, and a penchant for crafting quirky, infectiously danceable numbers. A brand of music self-described as 14-year-olds with fireworks, deserved to become a verb for when someone asks you to create some fun shit: Go ahead and Heypenny that real quick.

ELEL is a group effort, one larger than most acts I trend towards. More collaborators mean richer layers for their immersive, worldly sound. “40 Watt” is a feel-good, let’s come together and dance the doldrums away piece. Ben Elkins, with the assistance of his songster and songstress entourage, inhale enough helium to create a strobe-like club where the light pulses through your body and the energy strikes you to come alive:

That 40 Watt light bulb/If we turn it on & off, and on, and off & on/It’ll make it like we’re dancin’ in a big city club that’s flashin’/I jump and you spin again and again

If Heypenny was a quick lighting wick that leads to a riotous party, ELEL is the more mature group of boys and girls igniting bright and expansive arrangements via their eclectic backgrounds and influences.


Kickstart Another Heypenny Record…

If you were sitting on pure pop gold, and you were working on five years since a proper full length, you’d do what it took to unleash your output, right? Heypenny, still TN’s best kept secret, is becoming desperate for cash; and more importantly, letting the masses hear a record five years in the making. It’s frustrating for a listener awaiting new output; I can’t imagine being a creator of goodness and not being able to share. That is where Kickstarter comes in – the site that funds ideas & endeavors. Last time I attempted to cheer lead for a project associated with Kickstarter, a bible or guide to the 90s scene in Chicago, it flopped. (my sorrow filled an ocean)

Heypenny have some cash to raise, and they would appreciate our monetary assistance. Details here and below….

We’re unbelievably close to having the followup to “Use These Spoons” done, but we’re looking for a bit of help in putting the final touches on the record, i.e., finishing up some tracking, mixing, mastering and pressing. This is a huge, expensive undertaking and we’re hoping that you, our friends, family and fans might be able to help us knock it out of the park. It’s been years in the making and we want to make it just right and we’d love for you to be a part of it. If you’re willing to donate and help us reach our goal of $3400 in 45 days, we’re gonna offer these packages in return:

$5 – Hi-five at a show
$10 – Digital Download of Album
$20 – Digital Download and Limited Edition Packaged CD Autographed
$30 – All the Above plus a Limited T-shirt
$50 – All the above and a phone call from the band
$100 – All the above and a song personalized for you
$500 – All the above and a private performance for you and your friends at your house (limited to 300 mile radius from Nashville)

So, here we are, all in the trenches together, let’s start climbing out and make some magic happen.

Be a part of history.


Nashville Continues to Not Play…

In this ADD era I live in, music videos are a thing of the past. I can’t focus long enough to sit through one. When a new song is unleashed first in video form, I’ll open the video and pop open a new tab to get on with things. Until this evening…

Still Nashville’s best kept secret, Heypenny, are gearing up for the Cop Car EP. (released yet?) The video presents a fresh, new rendition of Cop Car. To me, it’s an improved upon version than the demo. Simply watching the video you can get a brief idea of what Heypenny are capable of in recorded and live form. This band is the feel good hit of the summer. Release an EP or a full length and the feel good band of ’09.

This band is poised to explode. If they don’t, it would be a shame. A waste. They are one of the best things going now in the world of pop. Their live show is fuckin’ electric. And most importantly, a carefree and fun time capable of being enjoyed by ALL.


Everyone’s Saying Michael Jackson’s Singing’s Out of Sight…

If their secret is disrobing of their kix, your favorite band needs to bite. Nashville’s best kept secret, Heypenny, want to share their love for Peter Pan – or the king of pop, Michael Jackson. From today’s blog….

It’s tragic that Michael Jackson’s gone from our world. We can’t do much in remembrance, but we’re going to post a new and unreleased song that’s completely inspired by and about him. It’s called Ticket. We’re going to have it up for a couple days. Dust off your best MJ moves. We hope you like it…

Shit, it’s the band with as many pop tricks up their sleeve since TN’s other best kept secret: sElf

With “Oh No” and now this, I have a feeling 2009 might unveil another blissful masterpiece. Take “Ticket” for a spin and wonder why they are too good of a band to blog about

Heypenny :: Ticket (MySpace stream)


Oh, No!

Picture 2

They are too good of a band to post about.

Nonsense. The above blasphemy was uttered about Heypenny – the quirky popsters out of Nashville. If a band has the goods, one shouldn’t covet them; set them free and let everyone hear them. Nowhere in the same genre, but Heypenny are reminiscent of Autolux. Both bands have put out one full length – years and years ago, but the quality of that first LP was so strong, we are anxiously – and far from patiently – holding on for ANYTHING. Both acts – who are favorites of mine today – are slowly whetting our appetite with an occasional release here; or a single there. Check Heypenny’s bone they threw us a few weeks ago in the form of “Oh No”. As you’d expect, from an act outta TN on the pop tip, it doesn’t disappoint.

Heypenny :: Oh No (MySpace stream)

Or check it live….

HP are fresh off the Bonnaroo stage. The frolicking foursome are out on tour again in July and this time, Chicago’s Subterranean welcomes them with open arms. Is an LP in our future? In the meantime, check out “Cop Car” below. Maybe it can make its way into your MySpace profile?

Heypenny :: Cop Car

Upcoming Shows:


May 2024