Archive for the 'Tesla Boy' Category


Tesla Boy and a deep forest…

You’re at a piano bar and can break off a twenty dollar bill for a request or two. Fire up your local radio station and ask they drop the latest from your go-to rapper. If it was up to me, a request wouldn’t be of a song. It would consist of a performance, one where I choose the delivery. Since my weapon of choice is the piano, I want my go-to virtuoso to sit down at the keys, broadcast their voice, and share their minimalistic rendition.

Tesla Boy can radiate sunshine and cause me to share my inner Flashdance. Sure, I love to be drowning in layers of shimmering synths. But a voice and a piano can stop me from channeling my inner Maniac. Anton Sevidov, Tesla Boy’s frontman, takes his favorite upright piano into a deep forest and flips the script on “M.C.H.T.E.” and my body…


Tesla Boy’s taboo fantasy…

While some in Moscow are protesting, others are creating Michael Sembello influenced masterpieces. Moscow’s Tesla Boy concoct Korg heavy pieces that shimmer, radiate funk, and bring the sound of yesterday to today’s cones and woofers. 2012’s “Fantasy”, the lead single from the heavier forthcoming record, paints a tale of lust, one that speaks openly about what most all are thinking; instead of pent-up thoughts and emotions, Tesla Boy unleashes these fantasies via a pulsating sound inciting a riot full of explosiveness, a burst of energy, a jolt of electro-pop so intricately curated, this sound isn’t anyone’s but their own.


My Modern Summer Thrill…..

No longer is it vodka and Zangief springing to mind when someone mentions, Moscow. Now, it’s Tesla Boy and what has officially kicked off the start to my summer: Modern Thrills

With 10 of the 11 tracks banging in at over 4 minutes, with many nearing six, this trio gives you an opportunity to lose yourself in their waves of synths, disco inspired beats, and authentic 80s meets 21st century pop sound. Bright and brilliant…

Tesla Boy :: Synthetic Prince


You can stop now because I’m plenty satiated. But you’re not done – I know this.


The Russian Runaway Man…

Anticipation used to be a beautiful thing. There was a time when you didn’t hear much new material from your favorite artists until their new record was unleashed, unless maybe you were fortunate enough to catch a yet to be released track live. Maybe, if they broke big enough, you heard a single on the radio from a forthcoming record. Fast forward to present day where leaks run rampant and your fix is never too far away. Tesla Boy, the aforementioned Russian Cut Copy, are after an EP finally releasing a full length entitled Modern Thrills. With only five tracks in my possession to spin, endlessly I tell you, I’ve been awaiting new material since last year – I’m so anxious I sampled cuts off Amazon’s site. Besides the previous upped Electric Lady, this long player consists of new reasons to realize summer is upon us and shimmering, bright synths will never become tiresome….

One of five reasons off ’09’s EP why synths are always in rotation ’round these parts…

Tesla Boy :: Runaway Man


Tesla Boy is Bright and Russian…

Quick! What do you think of when I say, Moscow? Zangief and vodka? Yes, me too. But what I didn’t know is their adoration for 80s inspired bright synth-based pop, as well. If you didn’t get enough of Cut Copy’s swaying beats and sunshine evoking synths, Tesla Boy from Moscow might be the new-wave, meets electro act to fill their shoes in 2009. Not everyone making dancy and mainstream appealing beats are Australian. The trio has taken cues from Prince, my favorite sections of Maniac, and most elements of 80s inspired pop you wanted to show back up in 2009 to create fire. Catchy, even irresistible blends of sound are what this trio brings to a genre I lately never tire of.

Tesla Boy :: Electric Lady

Tesla Boy :: Spirit of the Night

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May 2024